Friday, June 13, 2014

Open Chapter 3 the SOFT menatlity

This week I am throwing out the quotes to be pondered to help with discussion.  Please don't hesitate to throw out suggestions for ways to improve and get more out of our talks.

Chapter 3 Open Book Study

Quote Share, Open, Free and Trust!  SOFT  

Quote. Terrorists used to communicate by letter, but we didn’t try to ban stamps; we teach our children how to cross the road, we don’t ban cars. The blocking of social media sites in schools –

Quote Here was a group of learners, without direction or coordination, undertaking sophisticated detection work and making it look easy. They acted purposefully, in order to right a wrong, (Finding the stolen car)

Quote People will act to determine their own destinies simply because they now can.

Quote employees who collaborated were twice as likely to have contributed new ideas to their company, compared with those who had not

Quote 2011, when the New York Times ran a campaign to invite readers to attempt to fix the deficit in New York City’s budget. Creating an online budget simulator, they sought a wide range of options. They received 7,000 submissions in a week.

Quote ‘radical transparency’, encouraging any employee to go public on issues they care about. Some see it as easier than dealing with a constant stream of rumour and gossip, while others see it as good for business and customer loyalty.  

Quote In our journey to becoming ‘prosumers’ (producers and consumers) it’s interesting to see how long we clung on to the mantle of the expert.

Quote The thing we all overlooked was this: people would gladly produce this content for free because the creation of it, plus a little audience recognition, was reward in itself. How did we have such a low opinion of ourselves that we couldn’t acknowledge this

Quote Which brings us back to Dan Brown. His ‘Open Letter to Educators’ video is now being used as course content in masters of education programmes at a number of US universities.

Quote Successful businesses and schools alike are introducing the learner’s ‘right-to-roam’: the freedom to learn where your interests and passions lead you. 3M were probably the first company to offer a 15 percent free-time entitlement,

Quote John Dewey, once said, “Schools should teach everything that anyone is interested in learning”. You’ve got to admit, it’s hard to argue against that as a mission statement.

Quote Teachers have to trust that their students, given more freedom and more responsibility, will exceed their expectations (they nearly always do).

Quote Panera Cares Community Cafe in Colorado. There are no prices in the cafe, and no cash registers. People put what they can afford into a donations box, (thus preserving everyone’s dignity) and if they can’t afford anything they volunteer an hour or so of their

Quote accountability is usually what’s left after trust has been removed.
accountable’ for their test scores leave teachers torn between what psychologist Barry Schwartz calls ‘doing the right thing and doing the required thing’. The right thing is to teach students


  1. I was just thinking today while driving that it would be great to have the quotes posted on the blog ahead of time! Great minds...right?

    1. If you say we have great minds I have no choice but to agree.
